Friday, January 18, 2013

The ever-resilient mind said one day, "why bother clinging to? "
The ever-hoping heart replied, "why forget?"

I could have used my ever-resilient mind to overcome those scary thoughts from my ancient what-ifs.
I could have used my ever-hoping heart to embrace the meek yet hurtful reality that indeed, there are things I can no longer change. 
Not now, not ever. I could have used me instead.

Me...The "me"  who deceives abstract emotions with the concretely convenient ones. 

The "me" who shakes the stagnant euphoria that no man would endure. 

The "me" who clings to be understood. 
...Yes, I just wanted to be understood. 

But then, no one.
              not even you....

             dared trying to..